
This page provides a high-level overview of the problem that the Local Product Launcher solves.

Improvements over the status quo#

Currently, many PyAnsys libraries implement a launch function, which looks something like this:

def launch_myproduct(
    <many keyword arguments>
    # based on the arguments, figure out which launch mode should
    # be used (sub-process, docker, remote, ...)
    # and launch the product.

While this approach is reasonably simple to use, it has some disadvantages:

  • It can be difficult to tell from the keyword arguments how the server is launched.

  • Non-standard launch parameters must always be passed along to the launch_myproduct() method. This makes examples that are generated on a continuous integration machine non-tranferable. Users must replace the launch parameters with what is applicable to their setups.

  • Each product implements the local launcher separately, with some accidental differences. This limits code reuse.

Here’s how the Local Product Launcher improves on the status quo:

  • The launch_mode() method is passed as an explicit argument, and all other configuration is collected into a single object. The available configuration options explicitly depend on the launch mode.

  • The Local Product Launcher separates configuration from the launching code by default. To still enable cases where multiple different configurations must be available at run time, this separation is optional. The full configuration can still be passed to the launching code.

  • The Local Product Launcher provides a common interface for implementing the launching task and handles common tasks like ensuring that the product is closed when the Python process exits.

    It doesn’t attempt to remove the inherent differences between launching different products. Ultimately, control over the launch is with each specific PyAnsys library through a plugin system.

Potential pitfalls#

As with any attempt to standardize, there are potential pitfalls:

Standards (xkcd comic)

Future avenues#

Here are some ideas for how the Local Product Launcher could evolve:

  • Add a server/daemon component that can be controlled:

    • Via the PIM API

    • From the command line

  • Extend the helpers module to further ease implementing launcher plugins.

  • Implement launcher plugins separate from the product PyAnsys libraries. For example, a docker-compose setup where all launched products share a mounted volume is possible.