.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 intro user_guide/index examples/index api/index contribute Ansys Local Product Launcher ============================ The Ansys Local Product Launcher is a Python utility for launching Ansys products on a local machine and configuring their launch settings. .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Getting started :fa:`person-running` :link: intro :link-type: doc Explains how to install the Local Product Launcher in user mode and then how to configure launcher settings for a specific product and launch it. .. grid-item-card:: User guide :fa:`book-open-reader` :link: user_guide/index :link-type: doc Provides an overview of the Local Product Launcher, explaining how to use the command-line interface to configure launcher settings, how to create launcher plugins, and the rationale for why this utility was created. .. grid-item-card:: API reference :fa:`book-bookmark` :link: api/index :link-type: doc Understand the Local Product Launcher API endpoints, their capabilities, and how to interact with them programmatically. .. grid-item-card:: Examples :fa:`scroll` :link: examples/index :link-type: doc Provides examples of how to use the Local Product Launcher to launch a product on a local machine. .. grid-item-card:: Contribute :fa:`people-group` :link: contribute :link-type: doc Explains how to install the Local Product Launcher in developer mode and make contributions to the codebase and documentation.