Define the HTTP Server launcher plugin -------------------------------------- This example shows the launcher plugin that is used to start the Python HTTP server. The full source is available in the `examples/example_httpserver_plugin directory `_ on GitHub. While this example explains some aspects of the code, for information on how to create a plugin for the Local Product Launcher, see :ref:`plugin_creation`. Launcher code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``LauncherConfig`` class determines which options are available to the user when configuring the launcher. It exposes a single option ``directory``, which determines which directory the server is to serve files from. .. include:: ../../../examples/example_httpserver_plugin/src/example_httpserver_plugin/ :literal: :start-after: # START_LAUNCHER_CONFIG :end-before: # END_LAUNCHER_CONFIG The ``Launcher`` class actually starts the server. It needs to fulfill the interface defined by the :class:`.LauncherProtocol` class. Namely, this interface consists of these endpoints: - The ``start`` and ``stop`` methods for starting and stopping the server. - The ``check`` method for checking if the server is running. - The ``urls`` property for getting the URLs that the the server is serving requests on. .. include:: ../../../examples/example_httpserver_plugin/src/example_httpserver_plugin/ :literal: :start-after: # START_LAUNCHER_CLS :end-before: # END_LAUNCHER_CLS The local product launcher uses this minimal interface to construct a :class:`.ProductInstance` class, which adds some additional functionality on top. For example, the ``ProductInstance`` class automatically stops the server when the Python process terminates. Entrypoint configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besides the launcher code, the plugin must be registered by adding an entrypoint to the ``pyproject.toml`` file, as described in :ref:`entrypoint`. In this example, ``flit`` is used as a build tool. Thus, the ``pyproject.toml`` file looks like this: .. include:: ../../../examples/example_httpserver_plugin/pyproject.toml :literal: Two entrypoints for the local product launcher are defined: - ``direct``: A launch mode that users can configure. - ``__fallback__``: A fallback mode that is used if no configuration is available. Both entrypoints use the same launcher class.